Here is where I will point out some frequent difficulties and mistakes that I have observed in my student’s efforts to master the use of the English language

I will also include the recommendations that are always provided by the various support materials that have been printed for the use of the candidates that intend to take these tests. 

I am referring to the following tests: GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, ILESTS and TOEIC

At present I have found no way to create some kind of code for these posts, so I’m afraid they will have to be a rather mixed collection.

However, there are some guide lines provided by experience. It would seem that the general topic of “VERBS” is what causes the most amount of anxiety when answering these tests, so I will start off with short posts about this important part of speech.

This page will provide an index of the posts, with links to each one as I write them

All the posts will include the format LANGUAGE TIPS #1 (Then #2 and so on) in the title.

Wherever possible I will include specific tips for Spanish speakers, but the posts will be useful for all.

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