Friday, April 19, 2013





Source: Pixabay, Public Domain


Adjective (Formal) – Based on false information or ideas

The results of that scientific research are fallacious



Adjective – Caring a lot about small details, wanting everything to be just perfect

She was very fastidious about her appearance



Adjective -  Done in an obvious way that shows you don’t care if you break rules or if you are offensive to people

She just went ahead in flagrant disregard for the law.



Noun (Uncountable, formal) – The ability to be polite, calm and patient in difficult situations

She always practiced great forbearance in the face of adversity



A series of very elegant looking words! Not for everyday use, though.

I don’t think I’ve ever used them, and I’ve only seen them used a few times.

“Fallacious” reminds me of the academic research I have done during some periods of my life. The members of my group were always on guard for some fallacious reasoning, or the use of fallacious information. We didn’t want to harm the validity of our research and its results!

I have met several very “Fastidious” persons, my young god-daughter is terribly careful about wearing clothes with colors that match. She’s eight years old, and certainly “fastidious” about what she wears!

“Flagrant” seems to relate mostly to breaking the law. It is definitely a technical term in legal usage.

“Forbearance” is what we teachers practice when faced with difficult students, and I would also include difficult parents as well! It is sometimes a big effort to keep calm and patient when provoked, practicing “forbearance” can be very demanding!

The good news for Spanish speakers? Falacia and Flagrante sound similar to the English words and have the same meaning.

On the other hand Fastidioso exists but the meaning is not quite the same. The Spanish term means something that is bothersome or trying. We have to be careful here, this could be termed a “false friend”.

So study these words and increase your vocabulary. You will surely improve your score on the graduate entry test!

See you on the next post!


© 2013  joanveronica  (Joan Robertson)

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