Thursday, March 28, 2013




Source: Pixabay, Public Domain


Adjective (Formal)  - An eclectic group of people, things or ideas is interesting or unusual because it consists of many different types.

The song shows an eclectic mix of influences



Noun (Countable) - A short piece of writing that honors a dead person, especially one written on their grave

The epitaph on the soldiers' grave was very beautiful



Adjective – Very common, or strongly established in a place or situation

There are many countries where malaria is endemic



Noun (countable, formal) – someone who delivers a message, representing a government or a leader

The Pope chose his emissaries with care



This time the words are easy! All four of them are used frequently in every-day life, and should be familiar to all of us.

“Eclectic” is frequently written when art exhibitions are reported. The report could say that the artist used an eclectic style, combining influence A with influence B. Or a certain school uses an “Eclectic” teaching style, choosing the best ideas from several sources.

I think we all know about “Epitaph”. Some people think this is so important that they actually leave instructions as to what to write on their grave as an epitaph!

We also talk about certain flora being “Endemic” to some geographical area. Or we say that some disease is “Endemic” to a certain continent. Africa, for example has the misfortune of suffering from several severe diseases that are “Endemic” to that continent.

“Emissary” is also frequently used as a substitute for “Messenger”.  This word has another meaning: I’ve seen it used to refer to the large tubes that allow some industries to transfer their waste products to a safe place, where they can be treated so as to avoid harmful pollution.

The good news for Spanish speakers is that all four words are similar in Spanish and also mean the same!

So study these words and use them frequently, and you will improve your score on any graduate entry test!

See you on the next post!


© 2013  joanveronica  (Joan Robertson)

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  1. Fun words! I'm enjoying a bit of a vocabulary lesson when I read this blog. :D

    1. Hi Cyndi, happy to have you visit and comment! And yes, I find that we can always learn something more about a language, even when we are fluent. I'm enjoying the opportunity of putting this Blog together. It's fun! See you soon!


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